Thursday October 27 2022

Capital appointed on several large scale PAS 2035 schemes

We are pleased to have been appointed on several large scale PAS 2035 and Regeneration Schemes for the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea.
PAS 2035 refers to the new energy retrofit standard that came about as a result of the government’s Each Home Counts review, in which 27 recommendations were set for improving energy efficiency in existing buildings in the UK. As of June 2021, these recommendations are now mandatory for all companies installing Energy Efficiency Measures.
With the majority of the UK’s 27 million domestic buildings requiring significant energy efficiency improvements, we pride ourselves on being a part of the solution, particularly in a time where energy efficiency is rightfully becoming an increasingly important talking point.


Key Contacts

Richard O’Reilly

Managing Director
Sean Kelly
BSc (Hons) MCIOB MIFireE Assoc.RICS
