St James the Great Roman Catholic Primary School instructed Capital to provide solutions for a dedicated library and provide solutions to achieve a cohesive Foundation Stage Unit at the School.
Capital successfully completed the design and obtained the grant funding for both projects from the EFA (Education Funding Agency).
St James the Great’s layout did not allow the school to have its Nursery and Reception classes as a cohesive Foundation Stage Unit. This project was to relocate the Reception classes, (currently remote from the Nursery), into the space occupied by Infants to form the Foundation Stage Unit / Early Years Wing to the school. The Early Years is created using 130m² of existing floor space currently used as Infant Classes and 36m² of new build extension. A new sensory room was also part of the proposals. The sensory room fit out will include light projections, coloured lighting and interactive wall/floor.
St James the Great School has no library provision apart from some book shelving to a corridor area. The school felt this to be a major deficiency that severely impacts on the curriculum provision it can make, not only in the area of Literacy, but also in the wider cross curricular demands that require pupils to undertake increasing levels of directed and independent research.

01Feasibility Design Solutions.
02Successfully secured £460k Funding from EFA.
03Selected a procurement route to achieve target spend.
The new library will be 64m² (suitably sized to take a full class), together with a separate kitchenette and store. This will be created using 38m² of existing floorspace (currently used as meeting room) and 36m² of new build extension.
Capital recommended submission of the projects to the EFA for funding and successfully secured government funding for both projects.