Thursday October 27 2022

Capital Project Features in RIBA Journal

Capital were commissioned by the London Borough of Camden to act as Employers Agent for re-building of Edith Neville Primary School and a new residential block and children’s centre. The Project forms the first phase of Camden’s new £89m Central Somers Town regeneration masterplan.
Edith Neville Primary School had been housed in sub-standard accommodation since its opening in the 1970s. Its new home includes a 1-to-2FE primary school, nursery, family centre and parent drop-in, providing pupils with a state-of-the-art learning environment and the school a secure basis on which it can thrive into future.
Capital are proud to have been involved in the delivery of LBC’s development project which is now showcased in the latest issue of the RIBA Journal.

‘Its effect has been profound, says Ruby Nasser, Headteacher. “Some parents cried when we first showed them around” The children are noticeably calmer, she notes, and have greater self-esteem – not least because their school is a match for flashy buildings springing up on every side of Somers Town. Too few new school heads could say the same, but it is what every child deserves”
The full article can be read here: and our case study is here:


Key Contacts

Richard O’Reilly

Managing Director